Ukraine approved the small group home model of alternative housing for orphans back in 2018, well before the full-scale w*r began. This model aims to reduce and eventually eliminate the number of children residing in large institutions, providing them with more suitable options such as foster care, adoption, and small group homes. Our small group home will be limited to accommodating 10 children (or 8 if they have special needs). Our primary goals include creating an environment that closely resembles a real home and family, providing not only care but great love.
Simultaneously, we will work diligently to prepare the children for family placement, whether that is reunification with their family, adoption, or foster care – long-term solutions. We will seek the best possible care for "our" children and advocate wholeheartedly for their reunification or adoption. Clinton, Lena, and I will be heavily involved in the project. We will be launching major funding campaigns in the coming weeks. |
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