Jan. 2022 Update – 15 days to go!
Friends, family, kind strangers – welcome to 2022! I pray you feel and know the hope of God’s faithfulness in this new year. It’s sure to be an adventure for all of us!
I managed to pack my last month in the States absolutely full! In true Allina fashion … I spent this past week visiting my sweet big sister and her family in Texas. Her two girls kept me busy and laughing the entire time! Being an aunt truly is such a gift to my heart. And this upcoming week I get to make a quick trip to North Dakota to see my other big sister and her family! It was a miracle that I found affordable flights that allowed me to give everyone one last squeeze before my move on Jan. 31st!
In these last couple of weeks before my flight, I find myself continually searching for ways to be more prepared. But the truth is that my heart and spirit are ready, fully and expectantly. Everything else will either fall into place or fall away – I’m thankful for this confidence. If you took a gander through my journal from these past months, you likely wouldn’t believe my words now. But God is kind and gentle, he allowed me to grieve, doubt, and cry a lot. And then with open arms, he welcomed me back into confidence and trust. I’m humbled and thankful.
Many of you have partnered with me financially and have made this move a reality – thank you! Along with your generosity, God providing a buyer for my car, and the continuous stream of contract work sent my way – I’ve been able to cover the cost of the flight over, baggage fees, ground transportation, two weeks in a short term rental, and living expenses for my first three months in Ukraine! That’s incredible!
I truly am in awe of how God has opened doors to not only make this move possible but also simple. Honestly, things just keep falling into place quickly and it’s such a lift of burden! It reminds me that while I may physically be moving to Ukraine alone, I am not in this alone. The hope of bringing renewed life to the orphans of Ukraine has touched so many lives and your faithfulness is an inspiration to me.
If you are a monthly supporter of this mission, here is how I’ll be directing those funds over the coming weeks. If you are not yet a supporter, here are the areas I’m still seeking help!
Savings fund to purchase a vehicle once I arrive in Ukraine – $5000
Legal costs for temporary residency, registrations, etc. – $1000
If you are new to receiving these updates, you can read some of my other recent posts here.
Thank you again for investing in this mission through prayer, encouragement, and finances.
with love,
I've been praying for you ever since your grandma told me you were going. it is a wonderful work you are doing and may God end this war soon and keep all of you safe. beadyp@yahoo.com Bea Porter